Makeup seminars

If you would like to get an introduction to the world of special makeup effects or wig making I have a wide range of seminars that covers all parts of the makeup world.
I will create a special presentation for your specific needs and it can cover whatever you like to know more about.
My presentations are partly theoretical and  always includes makeup demonstrations on a model.

I have done presentations on places like the Scandinavian Theatre Tradeshow, the Scandinavian Makeup artists convention in Gothenburg, the Media university in Skovde, Sweden, the Felpham Collage in Sussex, England, the Light and makeup designers convention in WeiHai, China, Congres LNE 2006 in Bucharest, Romania and many more places.

Seminars can be held in English or Swedish.

Contact me for more information on my seminars.

References will be given on request.

Foam latex seminar in WeiHai, China

Seminar about the stage lights effect on makeup in WeiHai, China.

I have no planned seminars at the moment that are open for the public.
When I do, they will be advertised on our Facebook page.