
(or lack of thereof.......)

March 5th 2025
It doesn't happen often anymore but I I updated the pages today!
Corrected some design flaws and menus.
And hopefully by the time any one reads this have also updated the portfolio and gallery!

September 20th 2022
It doesn't happen often anymore but I I updated the pages today!
Corrected some design flaws and menus.
And hopefully by the time any one reads this have also updated the portfolio and gallery!

May 30th 2020
YEEEEESSS!!! Finally YES!!!
We have updated a lot!!!
Totally new foundation on the web site but tried keeping the feel of the old one.

It only took about 5.5 years...
Check around!!
Please report all errors you find to me please.
Hope you will like it!

We have now also moved all our sales over to the new shop website.
Please check it out too!

December 31st 2014
Some smaller changes here and there to boost functionality!
The biggest change today was unfortunately some price increases on the lighter colour wigs. The avalibility of white hair in China is very sparse so prices have been going up and that is sadly reflected in my prices too.
New price list valid from 2015-01-01

March 20
Today we are launching a new even smaller punch needle!
The 46! It is soooo tiny so don't expect it to work on any human hair.

We don't expect the demand for this needle to be huge so currently we only offer it as part of the custom kits.

But other news is that we now sell our Airbrush splatter nozzles.
We only have about 20 in stock right now so if you want one act fast!

10th 2014
This page is not yet out in the menu but I will be posting it on Facebook now.
Airbrush splatter nozzles

29th 2013
Black Friday special offer!
Visit this page today!
30% off on Punch needle kits.
Today only!

October 27
Small updates keep coming!!
Now I have added some more menu pages to ease navigation on tablets and phones.

I also added some more links.

Is anyone reading this page?? Gimme a shout what you think about the new page!
There might be a bonus involved!

October 16th2013
I know it has been over two years since the last proper update.
It is not still 100% done but I couldn't wait any longer. It got silly!!

So here you go!
Lots of new stuff.

Completely new gallery and portfolio!
A couple of new tutorials!
Videos now hosted on Youtube for better streaming.

New shop with all new pictures and possibility to buy buy more things directly.
And there is quite a few new cool products!! Check them out.

The wig shop still stays without a shopping cart though. I really need to have contact with you before selling or sending anything. Quality needs to be high and more importantly needs to be right for your project! So I want to be in contact before selling you stuff!!

82 new links!

Pictures of my own books

Please e-mail me and tell me what you think.
Or  post your positive thoughts on our Facebook page:
Makeup-FX Facebook

But not all people like changes.
If you don't then the old stuff is still there but hidden!
If you don't like this new gallery you can always have a look in the old one...


February 26th 2013
Hi everyone who most likely have forgotten about me by now. But I am still alive!
Not many web updates I know....
The reason for this has been that I have been working on a bigger update for the web site where I change a lot of things that has been the same since the web site started like the gallery. This has taken a lot longer than I expected so the updates on this old web site has suffered. Soon it should be done though and then hopefully it will be better.
Today I am doing this mini update here since I had to change the order from and pricelist.
It had not been changed for over 2 years but unfortunately my prices have changed a bit.
Not too bad but enough to make it needed to update the order form.
So hold on! Soon the web site is getting a bigger update.
But if you want to watch some videos now I uploaded all my videos to my
YouTube channel in full resolution for you all to enjoy!

February 28th 2012

My health is now better and I am back working again.
It has been a long struggle and I am fighting to catch up the last couple of months of sickness.
But now we welcoming new orders again.
Thank you for your patience and understanding!

January 20th 2012
Sorry!! Long delays because of health issues.

Hello to everyone who has contacted me and is thinking about doing so.
For the last couple of months I have been fighting a really bad cold that went down into my lungs and into all my joints.
This has made it more or less impossible for me to work and the e-mail pile with questions and orders have grown by the day.
I am now a bit better and I am trying to get through everything as quickly as I can.
Since I still feel pretty sick please don't expect it to happen over night though.
I am sorry for any inconviniecne this might cause!

March 2d 2011
8 times!!! That is how many times the website was hacked before my new heroes (I hated them for a while too) at Network Solutions found the evil code that someone had been able to sneak in was found. Thanks guys!
The hacking crap and fixing things back to normal made me realise that the site has had very, very little new content the last couple of years. I am a bad person! But I am busy all the time with work and kids....
I am right now in process of gathering new material and will soon start filming two new DVD's that will most likely end up here on the site too in some way or another.

I have already written new tutorial about make moulds in urethane for the sequel to the "Makeup artist handbook" by Gretchen Davis and Mindy Hall. After that book has been released I will also publish it here for all of you guys.

The shop will get a boost and we will start selling lots more fun and useful stuff.
Some of the new stuff is already in the menus but no details are on the pages yet.

My wife Heather has now a more active part of Makeup-FX so that is why I dare to expand the shop with more items. Welcome to the team!

I now also have a very talented apprentice called Robin for a couple of years so he is assisting me on all my projects.
Check out his pictures on his blog here: http://robbind.blogg.se/ 

February 2d 2011
I am sorry for all the problems the website has been having lately.
The web site was hacked and adverts were put on every page messing everything up.
So please bare with me since I am trying my hardest to fix things back to normal again.

Please e-mail me if you find anything that doesn't work or pages with errors or adverts on them.

January 10th 2011
First of all a happy new year to all of you!
Thank you all for making 2010 one of the most successful years in Makeup-FX's history! It started out rough with the biggest play we have ever done and working up to 18 hours a day for too many months. After this I (Lars) was quite burnt out and took three months off to go on holiday.
When the batteries were recharged, jobs started shooting at us like a machine gun and wig sales bloomed like never before. So in the end it was a great year and I hope soon to find some time to update my galleries with lots of pictures from theatre plays and films we have done this year.
But for today the only update is a bad one....
After not adjusting my wig prices since 2009 I was now forced to do it.
So please check out the new prices which I still think is the cheapest you can find anywhere!

And of course you get my normal apologizes for not updating for a whole year!!

January 10th 2010
Hey, what is happening??
Another update? Scary.

Lots of new pictures in the gallery. Some pages have been updated too so start at page
43 and then keep looking until page 53.
What else has happened?

Some new stuff in the shop.
T-shirts and a preview of the eyes I will start selling soon.

Also a new brush kit is now for sale.
Now it will be a couple of weeks (or so...) and then you will get a new tutorial about mould
So if you haven't already signed up at the top of the page please do so now so you won't miss anything!

January 6th
Just so you know t
hat I won't forget this web site for another year.
I am updating tons of stuff in the background without too much showing just yet. Who cares about updated order forms and boring stuff like that??

But today I started taking pictures for a new tutorial on urethane mould
s and have started sorting out which pictures of jobs I have done during the last year that I am legally allowed to show you yet.
I have done quite a lot of cool stuff last year but I can't show it since the films haven't premiered yet.
You'll get some good stuff very soon though!

January 4th 2010
Embarrassing but true.
A year has past since I last updated this page and the whole web site. Shame on me!
No more excuses or promises. From now on I will only say what I have changed and not how long ago it was or when it will happen next time.

Today: 75 new
links and minor technical updates on the site.

Hope to see some of you in London in January!
Come up and say Hello!

January 28th 2009
We are now open again after the tradeshow in London.
It was great fun to meet everyone again and I am already looking forward to next year!

I know that the updates have been suffering more than normal this year. Now you are thinking "That wasn't the first time!" but this time there actually was a good (or rather bad) reason for it.

Our daughter had a heart condition when she was born and we have been spending a lot of our time taking extra care of her. Suddenly work didn't feel that important anymore!
Things have luckily changed for the better and now things are almost normal as she is growing and is drop dead gorgeous!

So now I have finally made some updates to the web site.
I have finished the hair punching video now!
You can watch a low resolution video
on-line or buy the DVD.
If you then want to test your new skills you can order some needles
here. You can also buy a kit with the needles and DVD together there.
A bunch of new links has been posted too.
I will soon update the galleries and some other stuff.
Stay tuned!

August 11th 2008
We had a wonderful little daughter called Evelyn on 2008-08-08.
So now I am taking some time off and will spend it with my family.
My shop will re-open on August 25th again.
Hope this will not cause any problems for anyone.

Evelyn Carlsson
The best reason in the world for some time off.

July 13th 2008
This is not a real update but more an information.
The web and work shop is closed from now until two weeks after our new baby is out.
Hopefully this happens in the beginning of August sometime.
My studio is currently being renovated for two weeks and hopefully will make it possible for me to take on bigger jobs in the future.
I've done some cool stuff recently and I will show you that when I start working again. Including a new hair punching video!

February 24d 2008
I'll updated the gallery with some pictures of a corpse I finished today.

February 22d
I'll start with repeating my last excuse!
I am sooo sorry for the long wait for updates. I hope you are not too angry with me.
I have now updated quite a lot though!
You can find a long tutorial on making fake heads.
Some new links has been added.
And a number of pages in my makeup gallery.
I am still updating and adding text and fixing menus but hopefully everything should be up and running in a day or two.

November 7th 2007
I am sooo sorry for the long wait for updates. I hope you are not too angry with me. The reasons for not doing it has been many.
So I will now try to start doing it a bit more often. I have some cool pictures but I didn't have time to put them up today but expect them fairly soon. What I do have for you today is 53 new links. Enjoy!

March 11th 2007
I have added a few more links but the main update today was that the videos are now back as Windows media too.
Some people wanted to be able to save them to their computers and they couldn't do that with the flash files.

March  9th 2007
The updates keep on coming. A little bit here and a little bit there.
Keep looking for it!! Eventually it will be done!

I know that you are looking at my pages but nobody tells me what they think. E-mail me!!!!!

February  27th 2007
More the 40 new
links is now in place.
Tons of little things have been sorted out. Still lots more to come though. Keep checking in and send me a little e-mail about how you find the new web site.

24th 2007
What hasn't changed on this website now??
You have been wishing for a bigger update for a long time.
Now it has started!

will not even try to start saying what has changed or not.
A lot has changed and loads more is coming!
I just wanted to get it out now and will keep on updating it over the next couple of weeks.
If you find stuff that doesn't work please e-mail me and tell me.

Old updates