
A huge collection of pictures of special effects makeup work by Lars Carlsson, Sweden I hope you will enjoy them!


2022 marked us going back to a more normal life again.
And I got to do some effects for a reboot of an old TV classic and revisit the Eurovision!
And sooo many legs for the medical industry....

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New year again. Still Covid... But some fun jobs working behind the masks..

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I don't think that this year will be remembered by anything but that the Corona virus that took over the world...
But I still got to do some fun things....

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A great year with lots of fun!
so much fun to revisit the Beauty and the beast again. And doing it with the same singer as 2005. And doing a lot of work for Bollywood! And some really fun crime comedy theatre!

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Lots of Norway and Finland this year. And sadly also some health issues.
I was in stressing beteen jobs in Norway and Finland. Carried heavy bags...
BOOM! Herniated disc in my neck.... Nearly 3 months of not being able to use my arms. I do not recommend it!

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Dead bodies, Bigfoots, blood, body parts, charity work and more murders.
Yeah, that was 2017 for me.
Good year!

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This was a an intense year! I started the year working on Tom of Finland and at the same time I did an 8 week TV comedy broadcast live.
And then I got to do a bunch of effects for "The Bridge".
And I got to make some poo!!

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I decided to try out being freelance this year. Future will tell if it works out or not!!
Lots of film and TV work. And going back to the theatre as freelance :)

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3D!! Started dipping my toes in the digital world now!
Printing and scanning and it would change the way I work forever!

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Superheros! This year has been filled with small and secret jobs. Some of them really boring and don't fit here. But next year I will be able to show some of the film work I have done. Patience please!

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2012 was a kind of weird year since I was busy all the time but don't have that much to show you.
There was a lot of consulting for films where I made things but never applied anything myself.
But of course 2012 will always be the year when I got to kill a pedophile (on stage) and also make some adorable creatures.

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This was a great year for me! A lot of fun work and interesting challenges.
More years like this, please!!

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The main thing that I did this year was Orestien with Lars Norén and it nearly killed me.
I worked so many loooong days that I completly neglected my family and health.
I am so proud of what I managed to do but I don't think I would do it again.
It took a long holiday to get back to reality again after that. I am not 20 anymore...

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Aging, Robots and Hitler There were two projects that was more important than others this year.
Working for Pernilla August in Beyond was amazing but also being able to make two cut throat prosthetics in just a few hours for a TV series.

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Looking through the years like I am writing this I feel so lucky to have had such good luck to work with so many great people that has pushed me to become better! I want to thank everyone I have worked with for doing that!!
But the real highlight of the year was of course the birth of our daughter Evelyn on 2008-08-08.

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Sometimes the things you remember the most of a year was only a few hours of work.
The burn makeup I did was only a day. And the slit wrist was maybe three days.
But these things are the things that stand out in my memory.

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The biggest and best thing this year was not about makeup at all.
We had our first child, Jack!
Then there was a lot of fun work too but Jack is more important!
I can't be a makeup artist all the time! Sometimes I am just human!

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What a year! Most likely the year I will talk about before I die....
The beast! We travelled all over Sweden with this play and soooo many TV shows. Fred was a great guy to work with!
And then when I felt like I couldn't top myself at the opera I quit and started working at Folkteatern.
The first thing there was a really fun fantasy wig wig thing! Great year!

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The biggest thing that I did this year was the silicone aging for the opera. It completely changed my way of how I think of makeup. I wish more things like that came along. Do you have something for me?

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The first staggering steps in the silicone world.
So much fun! I can't think what it would be like to be forced back to only having foam latex again.
Personal favorite of the year must have been the no budget, two day notice upside down faces for a music video.
I wish I could redo them better but am still proud of the concept.

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Age makeups and halloween
More gelatine this year. I got to do a full age makeup in gelatine that was very successful.
But my personal favorite was the pig masks.
They ended up looking so happy!

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As always I did a ton of work at the opera. This year I tried to do a lot of things in gelatine which was fun!
Then we got a really big job creating heads for a university i USA. Great fun!

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Fat suits and a skinny Lars
After sad ending to 1999, 2000 was amazing! I met Heather from England while traveling in Australia and she moved here.
And as you might have seen on later albums we are now married and have two wonderful kids.
Then I had some really fun makeup jobs too but they were not as important as life!

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Wings, monsters and weird operas
Some really fun stuff happen'd this year.
Adverts and some weirdo opera stuff.
In real life things didn't go as well and my marriage ended leaving me pretty broken.

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Eurovision and my first film
This year was a milestone in my career. Nanne called me and wanted me to give her a fun look for the Eurovision. Most Swedes still have a strong memory of this one! And then I got a call to do some rally cool characters on my first film.
A good year!

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Ballet and muscle suits.
And I also worked for Effektstudion in Stockholm.

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Some things thins year should have been great but ended up being a bit bad.
Theatre, opera and violence
I did a makeup for a big film that was never used and when I did my first big job in Stockholm it was a disaster and closed after just 10 performances.
But I am not bitter! I learned so much on these jobs!

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Tradeshow and operas
Another fun year. Butterfly at the opera gave us the chance to make some really cool wigs and I think I glued on over 200 bald caps this year.Then later in the year I got my feet wet in teaching when I did a lecture on the Nordic theatre fair.

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Operas and adverts
This year we opened the new opera house and there was lots of work with that.

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Already the first year of my opera employment I took some time off to work at Angereds Theatre and had a lot of fun there.

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Opera and animatronics
The first time I worked at the opera where I ended up staying for nearly 14 years.
Wow that is such a long time.

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I must have done more than the things I found pictures of. But what I remember as the most fun was making all those rigid masks for Susan Taslimi and the Volvo dummy. I onder where those things are now...

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My first job on a big TV show. Swedes still remember this show today!
I also did a ton of jobs on theatres but since I did not design those makeups I can't include them here.
For three months I had three full time employments at the same time. There was not a lot of sleep this year.

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Not a lot of pictures from this year that was one of the most important years in my life!
I got a job at a real theatre! I have never looked back since.
My first job on a theatre!
I was living the dream!
And doing so I lost 25 kilos in less than a year because I forgot to eat.
I would need that skill these days.....

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These are the early years of my makeup life.
I knew from the age of 13 that I wanted to be a makeup artist and since there was no internet or books in Swedish I had to experiment and teach myself everything. During these years I invented the wheel sooo many times.
Would not want to do it any other way! Failure is a great way to learn. You just have to accept that failure is a good thing!

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