This is a jolly little play about the funeral of an old pedofile. His whole family who had not seen him for ten years come to say good bye.Of course it turns…
The deadly beating was done on video and projected in slow motion when the actors did the fight scene on stage.
I used a number of different silicone…
I used a number of different silicone…

Do I have to tell you that we pretty much covered the whole studio in plastic before we started this shoot??
Here is a silicone puppet of Actor Erik Stålberg for stage 3 of the beating where we bashed his teeth out with a real fire poker.
On the day of the shoot I had to appy a copy of the same prosthetics as we used on the actor on the puppet. There was no time for a test run so when the day…
We had to make a system with really quick ways to re-set it all for the next take. The teeth were made from normal plaster so they would break easily and we…